Plasma Spraying achieves a high quality coating by combining a high temperature, highly energetic heat source with a relatively inert spray medium and high speed particles. TCPP studies and manufactures various types of plasma torches that can work with various types of gas from a few kW to 200kW. PP integrates complete new or second-hand plasma projection installations.
Two stage 200kW plasma torch “TCP200”

TCP 200
• High power level non transferred plasma torch
• Dobble stage plasma torch (can work with oxydizing gases)
• P = 100 Kw (360V x 280A) Ar/Air (35/325 Nl/mn)
• can reach 200 Kw
• vortex injection of plasma gas
• internal ou external injection of powders
• can be used as a super-sonic air plasma torch

• Torche arc soufflé moyenne puissance
• P = 40 Kw (80V x 500A), Ar/H2 (45/15 Nl/mn)
• Injection axiale des gaz plasma
• Injection interne ou externe des poudres

Plasma torch TCP 40